Thursday, February 28, 2008

Selling Unwanted Goods Of Electricals Products

Keeping up-to-date with technological developments is desirable if you want to make the most of items like computers, phones or even cookers. Mobile phones started life as unwieldy bricks, designed simply for making phone calls; today, they take photographs, connect to the Internet, play music and fit into your jeans pocket with barely a bulge. Equally, computers are almost being constantly upgraded, or so it seems. New operating systems, software and hardware flood the market. Every new development promises a 'better' product, as well as a top class fashion accessory.

Even if you like your old stuff, you can run into problems because it seems like 'everyone else' has upgraded. Or perhaps colleagues, friends or children expect you to be able to run a certain piece of software on your home laptop. It is not that there is anything wrong with your old stuff, but it no longer quite fits in with your lifestyle and expectations.

Everyone has different points at which they will wish to upgrade. Some consumers are happy to have a two-year old Mac laptop, whilst others want the wide-screen, high-powered version, out only last month. Some are happy to make do with an old and sturdy electric cooker; others want a modern gas/electric combination model, which they can use for the next dinner party. In simple terms, tastes and expectations differ.

But throwing away still functional stuff can feel wasteful - particularly with all the media coverage of climate change, reminding us to be 'environmentally friendly' and make the most of scarce resources. It is tempting to simply store old stuff in cupboards, the garage, or a loft, but why use up valuable space? Simply accept that you won't ever use your old goods again and sell them online instead. This option means that you can see your old stuff 'recycled' and make some money in the process, perhaps to offset the cost of a new computer, phone, dishwasher etc.

There are a huge number of sites that allow you to do this - in recent years, the second-hand market has really opened up and appeals to a wide variety of people. Although it is sometimes difficult to see past the mammoth enterprise that is Ebay, a number of smaller sites offer opportunities for selling, perhaps at a fixed price instead of by auction. The type of goods for sale has also expanded. You can sell electricals, computers, mobile phones, cookers and dishwashers. Larger items can be advertised as 'for collection only', which means you don't need to worry about transport options and buyers can check out the product before making a commitment.

So, instead of letting old stuff clog up the cupboards and the loft, try online selling. Not only will you free up space and make some money, but you'll also be helping the environment.